The Diocese of Rochester has set clear guidelines in how to prepare children to receive their First Sacraments, including that they must be part of Religious Education (Faith Formation) classes for at least two years. To access the Diocesan Information, please click on the link in the sidebar.
Adults seeking sacraments meet with Deacon Dave LaFortune to determine the best path to their goal. Families interested in having their infants baptized are assisted by Deacon Robert Colomaio. Children and youth ready to prepare for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation take part in a process led by Mary Carol Wall. All three individuals may be reached by calling the office.
- A Parent/Guardian informational meeting is always the first step to a child celebrating a sacrament. To initiate this process, please contact Mary Carol Wall by contacting the office at
607-776-3327 or emailing her at
- First celebrations of Reconciliation usually take place during Lent, preceded by a 5-6 week period of preparation, separate from religious education classes. Sessions are for parents as well as for children, and take place at St. Mary's, times TBA.
- Similar preparation is provided for First Eucharist. It includes a half day retreat for the children and their parents, which also provides for 'dress rehearsal' the day prior to the celebration of the sacrament. First Eucharist is usually celebrated on the third weekend in May and is followed by a parish breakfast in honor of the children.
- Confirmation is celebrated on alternate years. Preparation is now a two year process followed by a 6-7 week immediate preparation period. Our next 2-year class begins in the Autumn of 2018. Contact Mary Carol Wall for more information.
Click on the below symbol to access Diocese of Rochester Guidelines for the various sacraments:
We use sacramental preparation books from the publisher Benziger RCL. Families work through the chapters at home. Then the parents/guardians and their children come together with the other families for several group sessions, reviewing the books a bit, but mostly seeing how to put what was learned into everyday life.